Passive Income – September 2019

Passive Income – September 2019

Another wonderful month has passed us by, I hope you all enjoyed it. The weather sure has been nice for this time of the year. September was a lot more laid back but we always make sure to go out and enjoy things.

  • At the start of September we went to the Toronto Air show. Our son lite right up when the first planes came out but quickly got bored… Arg. haha suck it up buttercup, your staying with me to watch it. It was pretty good, but there definitely isn’t as many military planes as they used to be.
  • We did the yearly apple picking thing with the kids and followed it with a fair and demolition derby. Do I ever love fair season, we will most likely go to another in October. I love derby’s and our son is old enough now to pick a car each time he things will win. Our daughter likes the animals and snacks! Rides are cool, but pretty expensive. They make sure to hit a couple though.
  • Had a couple bbq’s with neighbours and friends. Always good times.
  • Finished the major project around the house I wanted to do this year. (Smashed old cracked concrete around house, removed about 12″ of gravel, Created a retaining wall for a raised bed, Filled it and planted it up with Rose of Sharon’s)

Now let’s get to the money….

Raises or Cuts
  • Emera raised their dividend 4.3% this month. This adds $9.50 to our forward dividends.

Total Added Income from Dividend Raises so far in 2019 – $‭174.13‬

July 2019 Passive Income

Dividend Income

12 Companies paid us this month.

StocksSeptember 2018 IncomeSeptember 2019 Income
Sienna Senior2.45sold
Highliner Foods21.75sold
ZDY Etf7.67sold
Corus Entertainment20.62 (5 Drip's)sold
Shaw30.71 (1 Drip)sold
Russell Metals17.48sold
IBM28.26 usd29.16
Canadian National Railway28.2133.33
Altagas 5.482.40
Riocan39.84 (One Drip)29.28 (1 drip)
Interpipeline028.22 (1 Drip)
Brookfield Property092.13 (3 drips)
Brookfield Renewable 68.45(One Drip)97.91(1 Drip)
Dream Global Reit020.80 (1 drip)
Enbridge236.18 (4 Drip's)160.89 (3 Drips)
Canadian Utility's74.73 (Two Drip's)83.69 (2 Drips)
Extendicare16.76 (2 Drip's)17.72 (2 Drips)

14 stocks Dripped in September.

September 2019 Dividend Total = $612.81 A very minor growth rate….

September 2018 Dividend Total = $605.19 (Previous Dividend Income)

Our Drips (Dividend Reinvestment Program) added $22.36 to our yearly forward dividend’s this month.

Passive Income - September 2019The growth rate is very minimal. While this seems disappointing these months are where I sold the majority of our stocks to buy the 2 new (to us) cars this year. I got a extra stock of Enbridge dripping this quarter due to their low price, but got 1 less of brookfield renewable after their run up this year.

Is this the change from investors moving from oil to renewable energy? Time will tell, but renewable’s have been on a tear so far this year.

This will be our last payment from Dream Global as they are in the process of getting bought out for almost a 20% premium. Another great holding of ours, locking in almost a 40% gain since we bought them in December and January.

For some reason they have discontinued their dividend, but I have decided to keep our shares until they are bought out. (The difference between the sell price now and the buyout is basically 3 months of dividends) With the market at these levels I don’t know where to redeploy the proceeds at the moment. Hopefully in December there are some nice opportunities.

Other Income

Private Investment Payment – $500.00

Nothing new here, just our regular monthly payment. (I don’t even have to edit this part every month) Steady Eddy…….

Solar Income

In August (We always get paid a month later) our solar panel system generated 1,244 kWh. Since we bring in a fixed rate of 28.8 cents per kilowatt hour, Hydro One deposited $358.27 into our chequing account this month.

55 bucks more than last September, Very Nice!

Total Income for 2019 so far – $‭2,016.27‬

System Installed January 2018

Total System Cost ——–$32,396.46

Total Income Received ——–$‭4,532.23‬


Amount to Break even —- $-27,864.23‬

Amazon Affiliate

Thanks to some of you for using our amazon links to access amazon we got paid $21.17 this month.

Passive Income - September 2019

Total September 2019 Passive Income – $‭1,492.25‬

Total Passive Income Increase over last year. – Negative

A Negative growth rate??? Disgusting! haha It’s all good, last year google tossed us over 100 bucks or we would be on the positive side of things. Solar was up 50 bucks this year too. Again the cars are a big factor, too many moving pieces. Looking back I like all companies we cut. I want to focus on dividend growth stocks, there’s still some fat to cut on that end.

Passive Income - September 2019Totals For 2019

Dividends Year To Date Total – $‭4,301.39‬
Other Passive Income Year to date – $‭7,110.85‬
Total Passive Income for 2019 —– $‭11,412.24‬
Year End Goal – $15,500 ——– %73.63

September 2019 Purchases

We kept things really simple and boring, adding another 24 shares of Bell Canada in our resp. This added 76.08 to our forward income.

Goals Update
  • I want to read 10 books this year. I finished reading the 5 love languages this month. It was a slow read, but I definitely learned some things and feel it did help our relationship =) Also almost done listening to the new rich dad poor dad book on my commute Fake. Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets. Pretty good and yet kind of depressing. Gold, Gold, Gold…..  6/10 all yr (I Don’t include audio Books).
  • Get A Will – DONE. You can read about that here.
  • Picked up some Garbage – Nothing special, saw some garbage and threw it out.
  • Charities – Continued our monthly  $50 donation to The Nature Conservancy of Canada. Also bought a bunch of girl guide cookies. Does that count? Always support the kids in your community!
  • Increase Dividends by $1,100 this year. With New Purchases, Drips and Dividend Raises this month we added $107.94 to our dividend Portfolio. So far in 2019 we have added $846.2 (%76.92 of our goal.) (Lost $446.94 on sale for car, but want to keep this separate)
  • Reduce Screen Time before BedSlacking. Needs Improvement

Not a massive growth rate on both fronts. Is it a little depressing? Sure. Any regrets? Nope I love both our new cars and don’t miss the repairs anymore. The portfolio is getting better than it used to be as well. More blue chip wide moat stocks, I try not to chase yields anymore. Although Altria is starting to seduce me at these levels……. haha

How was your month? Setting new records? If you Hold it did you sell Dream Global or Holding on to it like me?

Wish you all the best, Cheers! That concludes our September 2019 Passive Income Report.

“A solid sense of self will help a person to lead a full and happy life” – Kimberly Elise


22 Responses

  1. Damn, nice to see that Solar income growing!

    Also, looks like a lot of portfolio movement from last September – 7 stocks sold, and 4 new ones added!

    Man, everytime I read your updates, I note to myself – shit – gotta get a will done..then another month goes by and I repeat…lol

    • Rob says:

      Hey man, yeah lots of moves. I think long term they will be good and worth it not having any car payments.

      Get Your will done, you got stacks. You will be happy you did.

  2. Athi says:

    I should probably start working on creating goals every year! Good read ! Thanks Rob!

    • Rob says:

      hey Athi

      For sure we need something to aim for. I’d rather aim to high and miss than aim to low and hit.

      best of luck

  3. Nice month PCI! Even minor growth YOY is better then no growth at all (or declines). You are still killing it with your passive income! Keep it up!

  4. Congrats on the impressive month. BEP.UN and CNR are treating you well.

    • Rob says:

      thanks Pursuit!

      Yeah bep has been killing it. cnr has pulled back a bit which is awesome as I’d love to add more.

      cheers man!

  5. PCI –

    LOVE your summary. Still jealous about that solar income, would kill for that here! Curious on how your October will look.

    Keep investing and glad you are trickling some into investments, even if they are a boring-dividend-paying stock : )


    • Rob says:

      haha Lanny

      The longer I invest the more I like boring…

      Solar is awesome wish every province/state/country would implement something like the microfit program.

      cheers mate

  6. Doug says:

    Nice month even with all that selling you still come out ahead a little which is quite impressive.

  7. German says:

    I wouldn’t be disappointing about the progress you had this month. You took out some capital and at the end, it just costed you some income growth, no big deal. Love the new dividends from Brookfield companies. You did very well with solar income. The sunnier it is the more money you make. I sold my DRG shares for exchange of MIC and NPI. MIC will pay a special dividend in October, so that will offset the difference I received from DRG. I will miss DRG, it’s a great name and it was my only exposure to European real estate.

    • Rob says:

      hey German

      thanks man, yeah gotta love solar.

      Nice move with the proceeds of dream. Great to get into a stock before their special dividend. I agree completely, I enjoyed their European exposure that I am now lacking.

      Hopefully we see some pullback on some reit to redeploy this capital.
      cheers man!

  8. Divcome says:

    Awesome totals all around, very inspiring! Really like the solar setup. And nice moves to the portfolio, will definitely pay off in the long run. Keep it up and have a great day! 👍


    • Rob says:

      hey div

      thanks, love the solar but it will slow down these months yet again.

      I agree the portfolio shift will be better moving forward. Little learning lessons are what it’s all about.


  9. DivHut says:

    Minor growth/major growth… the key word is growth! Nice to see all those names paying you last month. Look like we share only MMM for the month. In all you are spreading your passive income across different sources. Always good to diversify. Keep building and dripping.

  10. Brian says:

    Very nice month and busy by the look of it. Can’t go wrong with Bell, I’m currently looking at Telus but haven’t pulled the trigger. You got multiple streams of income coming in which is amazing.

    All the best!

  11. Hey, Rob. That’s a lot of moving pieces alright! I’m glad you get to keep track of it instead of me. 🙂
    It appears you are right on pace for reaching a couple of your financial goals, so that’s great. It won’t be long before the sales for the cars will be over a year old and you won’t need to account for them in your comparisons… so that should simplify things a bit. I know I like simpler in lots of cases.
    Looking forward to seeing how your portfolio evolves to provide a stronger growth tilt. I like the direction you are moving. Good luck in Q4 as we try to finish out 2019 with a bang.

    • Rob says:

      hey Paul

      yeah its a mess at the moment. Luckily I started learning early and now the moves should be good.

      The car factors will be nice to eliminate on a monthly basis.
      Positive steps forward thats what its all about

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