March 2022 Passive Income – Sunny Days

March 2022 Passive Income

March 2022 Passive Income

  • 0 Dividend Raises
  • 3 sources of passive Income
  • $998.86 from dividends
  • 14 stocks/units dripped in March

Hey, Hey Hey

The sun is shining, the ice rink is put away for yet another year. Things are good. Landscaping has started back up for us, and while it took awhile to find employees we got some solid new guys. I really love what I do, and do I ever feel good being back at it. Its amazing how something so simple like the weather and getting out there, changes you.

The season is extremely busy again and we are booking into September at the moment already. The economy continues to boom, I just wonder when it will eventually stop. We know it will eventually slow down, but when.. Real estate seems like its finally calming down with rising interest rates, so maybe that will help calm things.


  • The wife went to disney on ice with our daughter so me and my son went to lazertag. Its been a while since we did that, was a great time. We played 3 matches and I continually got better. pew pew!
  • I started cleaning up the gardens/yard and finally was able to take down our ice rink. That’s always a great feeling, spring is here!
  • Me & the wife had a date night – Thai food, shopping and we went to the Casino. Won $125 on the dollar wheel of fortune slots and got out of there. Ended up winning 60 bucks overall. Its nice to see things busy again.
  • I turned 39 during the month, passed out early on my bday but made up for it the following day with some friends. My daughter made a cake for me from scratch, little things make the best moments right? It was great covered in fish gummies, reese peanut butter cups and those rainbow sour belts.
  • Went to the toronto zoo with my sister and the kids. I love that place! The wolves were super active in particular.
  • Hit up a trampoline park and ninja course. Those courses are alot harder than they look!
  • Went on a couple hikes, saw some cool shelters.
  • Booked 3 camping trips for the summer and one KOA adventure in the states once again. (More to come)



hiking shelter


Life is good, I’m grateful for all the experiences and the people who surround me. While I blog about finances, its not everything. It does make it a whole lot easier to afford all these adventures though. =)

Alright, Let’s Get To Our March 2022 Passive Income

Raises or Cuts

0 Raises or cuts this month.


Total Added Income from Dividend Raises in 2022 – $95.62


January 2021 Passive Income

March 2022 Dividend Income

11 Companies paid us this month.

StocksMarch 2021 IncomeMarch 2022 Income
Canadian Utility's92.36 (3 Drips)sold
IBM45.64 usdsold
3m32.56 usdsold
Inter Pipeline8.32sold
Microsoft6.72 usd11.78 usd
Johnson & Johnson43.43 usd71.02 usd
LMT36.40 usd89.60 usd
Canadian National Railway47.3670.32
Manulife Financial59.73 (2 drips)
Smart Centres26.0533.76 (1 Drip)
Suncor157.50 (3 Drips)
Brookfield Renewable85.92 (1 Drip)92.24 (1 Drip)
Fortis94.16 (1 Drip)
RIT ETF64.33 (3 Drips)66.76 (3 Drips)
Enbridge231.30 (5 drips)251.98 (3 Drips)

14 stocks Dripped in March

$278.47 more than last year, or a 38.65% increase. Very nice, we see a bunch of new additions especially Suncor. I loaded up on them last year, maybe I should of got cnq instead.. Way less drama, haha. I like my petro Canada though =) All good!

If your interested check out our Previous Dividend Income Reports.

Our Drips (Dividend Reinvestment Program) added $25.92 to our yearly forward dividend’s this month


Other Income

Private Investment Payment – $500.00

Nothing new here, just our regular monthly payment. (I don’t even have to edit this part every month) Steady Eddy…….

Solar Panel Income

In February (We always get paid a month later) our solar panel system generated 244 kWh. Since we bring in a fixed rate of 28.8 cents per kilowatt hour, Hydro One deposited $70.27 into our chequing account this month.

Last January the system generated $72.58 so we are a little under. Seems to be super consistent for these months.

Total Income for 2022 – $146.92

System Installed January 2018

Total System Cost ——–$32,396.46

Total Income Received ——–$10,023.45


Amount to Break even —- $-22,373.01

MARCH 2022 passive income

Total March 2022 Passive Income – $1,569.13

March 2021 Passive Income – $1,269.35

Basically 300 bucks more yr over yr. Just awesome, slowly but surely. The difference is purely dividends this month.

march 2022 passive income

Totals For 2022

Dividends Year To Date Total – $2,366.93
Other Passive Income Year to date – $2,342.39
Total Passive Income for 2022 —– $4,709.32
Year End Goal – $25,000



February Purchases/ Sales

We trimmed our lockheed Martin position last month at its high. Started a new position in 2 companies and added to 5 of our holdings. In total we added $1,035.64 to our forward income.

There was a lot of activity last month so I wrote a post here about all our moves.


Financial Goals Update


Increase Dividends by $4285.81 this year. (bringing our forward income from dividends to $13,000 a year)

The goal for 2022 is to have a forward passive income of $27,500 thousand by the end of the year. I plan on doing this by refinancing our house and taking advantage of these low interest rates. I want to max out some accounts and let compounding do their magic. Its a big goal and will almost double our current passive income.

  • With New Purchases, Drips, and Dividend Raises we continued to grow the size of our dividend Portfolio. Total increased so far in 2022 is $1,575.01

The heloc is all setup now and we have been putting money to work.


Etf Monthly Minimum Purchase of $250

  • This month we added 10 more units of xaw etf.
  • Questrade* is great because it offers free etf trades and cheaper stock trading options than most Canadian brokers. $250.00 a month would kill us if we needed to pay high trading fees.
  • * Note the questrade link is a affiliate link and at no additional cost to you, I would get a little payment if you were to sign up. You could get $50 in free trades by using my affiliate link though.
March 2022 Passive Income Conclusion

A great month all around, with both life and finances. Sorry for the really late post, business is booming and that keeps me busy at the moment. Hope you all had a wonderful March as well.

How was your March?


No matter how long you have traveled in the wrong direction, you always have the choice to turn around. – unknown

12 Responses

  1. Damn…sounds like a fun month. Happy belated you old bastard (i turn 39 in August too)

    Who cares about inflation when you have a 30%+ YoY dividend growth!


  2. 🎉 Congrats Rob for these $998.86 in dividends in March! On my side, got $983.93, very close of the $1k each other! 🙌💰 Next March 2023, for sure, we’ll hit it! #dividendinvesting #dividendincome #dividends

    • Rob says:

      haha thx dividends. With the drips Ill surpass it next quarter, Im routing for you. I think you will hit it before next year!
      keep it up

  3. Congrats on a awesome month! That was so close to $1K! And Happy (belated) Birthday 🎂! 😀

  4. DivHut says:

    So close to the magical four digit mark. Awesome job for the month as your dividend income continues to grow and grow. I’m still holding on to my MMM for now. I know it isn’t the prettiest stock out there these days. Keep up the good work.

    • Rob says:

      Ill be honest 3m is getting interesting again at these levels, just to many unknowns.. Ill break 1k with these drips next quarter. Gotta love dgi!
      cheers Hut

  5. Norm says:

    Already booking landscaping projects into September? That is awesome, and it’s great to hear someone say how much they enjoy their work. What types of projects are most common this year?

    Look at your March 2016 dividends compared to March 2022, you went from $10 to $1000. Would your 2016 self have thought that possible?

    We had a great March as well and collected around $6700 in dividends, a new record which I’m confident will be exceeded in June. Hockey playoffs are incoming, are you with me in wanting to see Tampa make an early exit?

    • Rob says:

      hey Norm

      Gotta love it, thats where we spend most of our time right? Right now its spring cleanups/mulching but we got alot of interlock and gas fireplace jobs as well as landscape lighting booked for the year.

      Its honestly crazy looking back. When i first created the site my goal was to have a passive income of 25k by 2025 and here we are. Compounding really does work wonders. Obviously the mindset and financial discipline is a big factor as well.

      Wow congrats to you! 6700 is a whole different level, those dividend raises must really compound at that point. Just incredible Norm, guys like you are an inspiration to us all.

      Of course I am! Leafs all the way right? Go leafs! Will this be the year? Heres hoping Matthews and Marner show up playoff time, I think they will. Every year they get better.
      All the best man

  6. Sounds like a fun month, happy late birthday and congrats on the solid growth!

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