January Passive Income

January Passive Income

Our January passive income had a fantastic increase year over year. This was also the first year we had a cash back credit card. Most people hate seeing their credit card balance in January, this year it put a big smile on my face. Free money!

January Passive Income

January 2017 Total – $59.42 (808% increase yr over yr)

January 2016 Total – $6.54    (Previous Dividend Income)

We also Received $250.00 Cash Back from my credit card this month. I consider this passive income because we did nothing for it. This was my first year of having a Cashback Card, I highly recommend you make the switch. ($250 is the max my card gives per yr) Remember to pay the balances off before you get charged interest each month.

Totals for 2017

  • Dividends Year To Date Total – $59.42
  • Other Passive Income Year to date – $ 250.00
  • Total Passive Gains for 2017 —– $309.42
  • Year End Goal – $2000.00 ——–%15.47 so far

We increased our net worth 24.73% over last month (big increase in value of house, I only update rough value of house at beginning of year)

recent purchases

 $1000 Contributed to our emergency Fund.

  • 20 shares of Qsr ( Restaurant brands International)  for $1306

The 1.4% dividend sucks, but burger king is my favorite fast food and Tim Horton’s is a cash cow. There are always lineups at the drive thru

  • 29 shares of Bei.un (Boardwalk reit) for $1401

4.7% dividend is nice and decided to get some residential real estate if rates go up they can raise their rents faster then long term leases


Well that concludes our January Passive Income Report. Stocks have been reinvested and our dividend portfolio has been updated.

4 Responses

  1. Doug says:

    Good job on the dividends and the credit card returns. Keep up the good work?

  2. Ther are other no fees credit cards out there that do not cap the maximum cash back that you receive. I personally use the tangerine no fees master card. Check it out.

    • Hutz says:

      Hey Leo. Thanks for stopping by. Will do definitely would like a no cap one since I haven’t even redirected all my bills to our credit card

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