Financial Bloggers I Enjoy
Fellow Financial Bloggers
Got to love the financial blogging community. It keeps me motivated and inspires me to do better! It’s always interesting seeing what other’s are purchasing and how they are making out on their journey. With so many bloggers out there you should learn something new everyday.
I started investing after following some of these blogs for quite some time and watching their monthly dividend income post’s. What were they buying and why? Slowly I started learning about the whole dividend growth investing strategy and got hooked. Before no one talked to me about money, so it was a eye opener. How could making this much money be that easy?
If you are new I really encourage you to follow along their journey, hopefully it has enough spark to get you investing as well.
Check some of these great financial bloggers out.
Canadian Eh?
- All About The Dividends
- Cut The Crap Investing
- Divi Cents
- Dividend Daddy
- The Dividend Guy Blog
- Dividend Income Stocks
- Family Money Saver
- Finance Journey
- Freedom 35 Blog
- Genymoney
- Get Rich Brothers
- Investing Pursuits
- I Saved 5k
- Labour to Leisure
- Million Dollar Journey
- MoneyMaaster
- MyOwnAdvisor
- Passive Prairie F.I.R.E
- Settling Nomad
- Tawcan
- VibrantDreamer
- Divvy Dad
- Kodys Dividends
- Dividend Diversify
- Dividend Diplomat’s
- Engineering Dividend’s
- Dividends and Hobbie’s
- My Dividend Dynasty
- Dividend Geek
- Dividend Power
- Dividend Portfolio
- Dividend Quest
- Divhut
- OthalaFehu
- Sure Dividend
- ValueStockGuide
Mr Worldwide
Those are the main blogs I check out at least monthly, sometimes by stealth which I’m trying to change. Comments always feel good and I’ll try to say something when I view your site. Any sites I’m missing? Let me know, always creeping for a new great blog to follow.
Hey I’m Rob, creator of Passive Canadian Income.
In 2011 me and my wife had almost $60,000 in debt and a negative $7,000 Net Worth. Through hard work and financial education we paid all that off. Now we are focusing on increasing our Passive Income Streams to make the money work for us. Feel Free to Follow along the Journey by clicking the Social Media links below or subscribing to get notified of new posts on the sidebar.
I’m familiar with a couple of names on your list but always looking for new bloggers to check out. Thanks for sharing!!!
Welcome Mustard, yeah always nice to see what others are buying or currently doing. Thanks for swinging by
I follow FT on MDJ too. His journey to save a million dollar inspired me to save my million dollar and to write a little series to show that the average person can do it too. Hopefully, I’ll read about your story too PCI.
Thanks leo. You will. The ball is rolling!
Thanks for sharing, I’ll check these out – I didn’t know about them! 🙂
Np Erik
Positive vibes floating around here! I’ll surely post a link to your canadian bit of the internet!
Great thanks alot. Will look at your site later.
Tank you for the addition of DivHut to your blog roll! Much appreciated.
Just added you to my list of resources PCI. Hopefully you can do the same. Regardless, great blog man.
Sweet much appreciated. Will add ya tonight
Hey PCI,
great blog – i’ll add you to my blogroll in the next days. If it’s possible that you add my blog to your international section it would be cool.
Thx div will do!
Hello! You may want consider posting your blog updates in a Facebook group called Canadian Dividend Investing.
Hey thanks didnt know about that group
Nice to see some more Canadian investing blogs!
I’ll get you added to my blogroll shortly
Hey Jordan will check out your site tonight.
Any chance of getting listed in your Canadian list of bloggers? Thanks!
Yup will try to add ya tonight.
Thanks for adding me in Rob! Talk again soon. Tom
Thanks for adding me to your list Rob! 🙂
No problem!
Great Blog. Requesting to add my blog
sure invest, will do.
Please add mine to yours as well.
Hi Rob,
Listed you here:
Would love to get listed on your list.
Shailesh Kumar
Value Stock Guide
hey Shailesh
Thanks for adding my site to your list, Its a great compliment
Ill add yours.
All the best!
Thanks for the mention Rob!
Hey Rob! Started visiting your blog a few weeks ago seeing you pop up in Twitter conversations all the time! I like it. When I get time to read, I’ll definitely be heading here to check up on your progress.
Anyways, would love to be listed on your blogroll. We don’t have a blogroll so we can’t return the favor, but we do have a newsletter of over 7000 people we would give an article you would like a shout out to. Or, if I can find something you’d like to be included as a resource on one of our how to guides, would definitely do that too.
hey Dan
dunno whats happening as I’m in the process of site migration and already responded but yet i don’t see the comment. Anyways twitter is fantastic, I love it there. So many great people and knowledge floating around. Ill shoot you a message there and we can talk.
I would love to get my blog on your list. I can add your to my blogroll in exchange.
Sounds good power, Ill add you now.
Hey Rob,
Good list. I already follow a couple of them on the list such as Frugal Fortunes and Dividend Hawk. I was wondering if my site could be added to the list ( We are all about generating above average returns in the market while conservatively hedging risk.
Also I followed you on Twitter. Some good articles you got going on. If your ever looking for a guest poster are just want to talk shop let me know.
P.S I like your current dividend portfolio.
hey Chillz
Thanks, lots of great bloggers out there.
Im gonna pass on adding you to the list, just because your site is different from the bloggers on the list. Most of them focus on dividend growth and share their buys and sales and portfolio update.
Good thing is your link is here in the comments if anyone wants to check you out. Wish you all the best ChillznDay