February 2021 Passive Income – 3 Sources 7 Raises!

February 2021 Passive Income – 3 Sources

  • 7 Dividend Raises
  • 3 sources of passive Income
  • $359.94 from dividends
  • 8 stocks dripped in February

Hey hey hey!

We are starting to see some volatility in the market woot! woot! Utilities keep dropping this month as news breaks out of rising interest rates. Can we really support rising interest rates at the moment? I don’t think so, but at the same time we need to control this housing market. Things here in Canada are just insane. Either way, love seeing these renewable companies drop. I’ll be buying more Algonquin soon enough and maybe even swapping our bep.un for bepc.un now that things have got close to even in price. Tech has also been dropping which is fantastic because our portfolio could use some more Tech love.


February flew by. Our son is back in school and loves it, we do too! Kid’s need to see their friends in person and don’t need to stare at a screen all day. The weather has up and down. February brought so much snow, you barely can even toboggan. We have been busting out our skating moves when we can on the backyard rink and then when its warm we have been rollerblading on the roads.

We booked 2 camping trips for the summer already – Pinery and Darlington.(New One) We will sit down this weekend and try to book a couple more. If you go camping the demand is huge this year, even more than last year. Make sure you start booking asap.

Lock down semi ended. We got a little bit of our freedom back and took advantage of that. We went to the butterfly conservatory for something cool to do and feel a little bit of that heat! Unfortunately lots of other places are still closed, but we are dying to go rock climbing or go to the zoo again. Soon enough though. Now that Canada is approving every drug no matter how effective it is. (Remember when we saw jnj’s results and were like eww mid 60%? Now we are like yes jnj is approved!)

Ahhh well let’s get the vaccine in everyone who wants it and open things up!

Alright, Let’s Get To Our February 2021 Passive Income

Raises or Cuts

7 Raises this month. Very Nice!

  • 3m raised their dividend by .68% adds $.88 cents….. haha
  • Brookfield Renewable boosted theirs 5% adds $12.80
  • Bell Canada raise 5.1% adds $15.47
  • Cisco 3% raise adds $5.48
  • Restaurant Brands bumped it 1.9% adds $4.48
  • Nutrien upped theirs 2.2% raise adds $1.92
  • Tc Energy came through with a 7.4% raise adds $18.00

Total added income from dividend raises this month – $59.03

Total Added Income from Dividend Raises in 2021 – $75.04

Great to see so many raises this month! Things are looking up. Unfortunately some of them were pretty low.. cough cough 3m….. I guess we are still in the middle of this “pandemic” so I prefer the companies to be defensive with their raises vs cutting it in the future.

January 2021 Passive Income

February 2021 Dividend Income

10 Companies paid us this month.

StocksFeb 2020 IncomeFeb 2021 Income
Altagas 2.40 sold
CVS Healthcare - USD15.50sold
Inter Pipeline28.93 (1 Drip)8.32
Proctor and Gamble - USD17.9018.98
National Bank of Canada25.5625.56
Emera59.41 (1 Drip)sold
Abbvie - USD57.8291.00
Extendicare18.08 (2 Drips)19.40 (3 Drips)
Rit ETF044.69 (2 Drips)
Smart Centres025.90 (1 Drip)
Riocan29.88 (1 Drip)21.28 (1 Drip)
General Mills - USD66.15 (1 Drip)70.89 (1 Drip)

8 stocks Dripped in February – Always the lowest months of the quarters.

A little bit of growth this month, but it kind of was doctored. I sold some stocks after they dripped and put it into rit etf before their ex dividend date. Stacking them div’s! This is always our lowest month of the quarter, I don’t see many targets but if PG keeps dropping I’d gladly add to that position.

If your interested check out our Previous Dividend Income Reports.

Our Drips (Dividend Reinvestment Program) added $7.91 to our yearly forward dividend’s this month.

February 2021 Passive Income

Other Income

Private Investment Payment – $500.00

Nothing new here, just our regular monthly payment. (I don’t even have to edit this part every month) Steady Eddy…….

Solar Panel Income

In January (We always get paid a month later) our solar panel system generated 204 kWh. Since we bring in a fixed rate of 28.8 cents per kilowatt hour, Hydro One deposited $58.75 into our chequing account this month.

Last January the system generated $40.32. So we were slightly higher year over year. Its been 3 years since we installed the system so we can see we are getting a 7.7% yearly return. Lower than anticipated, but in this market 7.7% guaranteed is fantastic!

Total Income for 2021 – $96.19

System Installed January 2018

Total System Cost ——–$32,396.46

Total Income Received ——–$7,583


Amount to Break even —- $-24,813.46


February 2021 Passive Income

Total February 2021 Passive Income – $ 918.69

February 2020 Passive Income – $879.97

Total Passive Income Increase over last year. – $38.72

A very minor growth rate. That’s to be expected, I haven’t been buying to grow these months. Most of our capital has been put in companies that pay in other months. It’s all good!

February 2021 Passive Income

Totals For 2021

Dividends Year To Date Total – $1,156.32
Other Passive Income Year to date – $1,511.65
Total Passive Income for 2020 —– $2,667.97
Year End Goal – $17,390.71 ——– %15.34

Looks like we are on track. Gotta just keep feeding the portfolio and watching it grow.



February 2021 Purchases/ Sales

This month I decided to do a portfolio cleanup and lower our total holdings while focusing on growing existing ones.

  • Sold our Riocan Position
  • Sold our Extendicare Position
  • Sold our BMO position
  • Added to our RIT ETF holdings
  • Grew our TC Energy position
  • Bought 9 units of XAW ETF
  • Started a position in Lockheed Martin

Lots of moves, but I think in the long run they will be better for the portfolio. You can read about all those moves in our recent post Portfolio Cleanup – Cuts & Additions.


Financial Goals Update


Increase Dividends by $1,680.19 this year. (bringing our forward income from dividends to $8,329.13 a year)

  • With New Purchases, Drips, and Dividend Raises we continued to grow the size of our dividend Portfolio. Total increased so far in 2021 is $244.11. 14.52% of our goal.


Etf Monthly Purchase of $250

  • This month we added 9 more units of xaw etf.
  • Questrade* is great because it offers free etf trades and cheaper stock trading options than most Canadian brokers. $250.00 a month would kill us if we needed to pay high trading fees.
  • * Note the questrade link is a affiliate link and at no additional cost to you, I would get a little payment if you were to sign up. You could get $50 in free trades by using my link though.

February 2021 Passive Income Conclusion

While the income this month isn’t amazing, its growing. The sun is shining, spring is coming! Life is good. Wish you all nothing but the best in all aspects of your life.


“May the best of your Today’s Be the worst of your tomorrow’s” – Jay-z

18 Responses

  1. Congrats on another great month for passive income. It was definitely a slower growing month (my YOY growth was 0%, lol). Still, it was nice to see the dividend increases. Anyways, keep up the good work! 🙂

    • Rob says:

      thanks Dynasty

      The raises were coming in hot last month, that’s for sure. Still dont see much value in these dividend paying months…

  2. Nice job Rob, who doesn’t love watching money roll in for nothing, right?!
    I like your charts comparing dividend sources this month vs. the same month last year to see what holdings have changed.

  3. Mr CF says:

    You are flying buddy! Looking forward to many more positive blog the rest of the year.

  4. Vibrant Dreamer says:

    Great job, Rob. Question. Do you think you will keep holding RioCan and Smart Centres? If my memory is right, they are part of RIT, right?

    • Rob says:

      hey vibrant

      I sold off our riocan position and put it into rit. For right now we are keeping our smart position, but its price has ran up so much I need to debate adding to it for drips or selling and putting into rit… I really like the walmart aspect of them though

  5. Congratulations Rob for your 359.94$ in dividends. Me too, February, May, August & November are always the lowest months in dividends. What should be the strategy to increase more dividends, buy more ABBV, PG, SBUX, EMA, CVS, AAPL ?! I’m debating now! Tell me !

    • Rob says:

      Haha thx

      all great names. I’d love to add more pg and possibly apd to the portfolio to up these months. Royal bank and national are good options as well.

      Over the years I’ve cared less for even months just working on growing that quarter over growth. That’s all that really matters =)


  6. John says:

    Good stuff Rob. Love the updates and seeing the progress. February was a really quiet month for me: Just collecting divs and added to TD at a bit below $76. TD I consider to be a foundational position in the portfolio, so other than my index funds this should be among my largest holdings. The big portfolio cleanup didn’t actually start til last week, and so more properly belongs in March!

    Low dividend month, as usual, but we still managed a monthly YoY increase of 58%. If it counted the POW dividend that pays in month two during Q1 (last year paid in month three), the increase is closer to 91%, though counting things this way seems a bit unnatural.

    Really appreciate your updates and following along on the journey. Sometimes I even think it would be fun to start my own blog, if only to share my trades and monthly/annual portfolio updates.

    Take care, and here’s to some warmer weather!


    • Rob says:

      wow nice John, Either way you look at that is impressive yr over yr growth. Always throws these comparisons off when a company changes up their payment dates though. Quarter over quarter will still generate great numbers!

      I hear ya about td its our largest bank holding. Amazing run the banks have been on. (Little learning lesson for me there – load up when they are down)

      Thanks for saying you love following along our journey. The blog is fun and I love the community aspect. Some people like you comment or email monthly and I always love the conversation that follows.
      I would highly recommend a blog, they are some work but it definitely motivates you to keep investing/ watching your money. If you start one definitely let me know, I’ll be your first follower =)

      cheers John!

  7. Engineering Dividends says:

    Wow, look at all those raises… love seeing that, Rob. Next year’s YoY growth should see a boost thanks to those raises, for sure. The small raises from CSCO and MMM were a bit disappointing, especially the MMM one… so I’m with you on that.
    I initiated a position in LMT recently, too. I hope to build out the position a bit before it runs up in price. I believe I’ve managed to buy 11 shares thus far. That doesn’t seem like a lot, but at over $325/share it’s hard to load up on shares, right?
    Glad to see you looking forward to the summer and planning those trips. There will certainly be some pent-up demand for getting out of the house. Take care.

    • Rob says:

      hey Paul

      Lots of raises but a quiet month this month. =)

      Nice to see you have been buying lmt as well. I hope to grow them if they go sideways for a bit. But as you stated 350 a share can only buy so many haha! (wheres the stock split already)

      There will be lots of campers for sure.

  8. PCI –

    Congrats, keep it up, growth is growth!


  9. SavyFox says:

    Hey Rob
    Good developments from your three passive income sources. Very well diversified. And the best: Organic growth is very robust!
    Keep it up and all the best!

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