April 2018 – Passive Income Update


April 2018 - Passive IncomeApril 2018 – Passive Income Update

April is done. Finally…… I’m sooooo ready for spring and summer now. We got hammered this month with a snow and ice storm that took awhile to melt away. It’s going to be -2 tonight and yet over 20 degrees on monday, crazy!

The leafs made it to the playoffs and busted out. They started the series horrible and bounced back to force game 7. It all fell apart in the 3rd period and the leafs lost. Here’s hoping the leaf’s get a solid D man before next season.. Guess I’ll throw on some we the north gear and fake being a raptor’s fan…… Go Rap’s? I dunno if I can do it………………

The landscape season has now began! Feels good to be back at work. That break was nice to hang with family but that much time off is not for me, I’m sure my dog loved it though.

Adding up this months dividend totals surprised me. Let’s get to it.

2 Stock’s decided to bulk up their dividend’s for me this month.
  • IBM raised their dividend by 4.7%
  • PG raised theirs 4%

January 2018 - Passive Income

Dividend Income

14 Companies paid us this month.

StocksApril 2018 Income
Restaurant Brands19.04
Boardwalk Reit2.42
Sienna Senior2.40
ZDY Etf7.67
Cisco43.89 (One Drip)
Corus Entertainment19.29 (3 Drips)
TD Bank88.44 (One Drip)
Shaw30.22 (One Drip)
Riocan39.24 (One Drip)
Extendicare16.40 (One Drip)
Algonquin Power 29.47 (2 Drips)

April 2018 Dividend Total = $351.55 (%327.72 higher yr over yr)

April 2017 Dividend Total = $82.19 (Previous Dividend Income)

Our Drips (Dividend Reinvestment Program) added $11.45 to our yearly forward dividend’s this month.

April 2018 - Passive Income

Other Income

Private Investment Payment – $500.00

Solar Panel Income – $287.14

Total April 2018 – Passive Income – $1138.69

Total Passive Income Increase over last year. – 1285.43%

Totals For 2018
April 2018 - Passive Income

Dividends Year To Date Total – $1529.14
Other Passive Income Year to date – $2713.77
Total Passive Income for 2018 —– $4242.91
Year End Goal – $15,000 ——–%28.28

Big jump in dividend income vs January. (almost 50 bucks) This is from Nutrien now paying in this part of the quarter. Great income from the solar panels this month. The power generated is currently behind this month because of the ice storm. A couple more days before the meter read, hopefully it can break out.


January 2018 - Passive Income

April 2018 Purchases

Another great month, breaking $1000 3 out of the 4 months is fantastic! The drips keep doing their thing and boosting the dividend incomes. 2 more dividend raises, no complaints here.

I hope you all had a wonderful month as well, look forward to reading all your reports. Have a great day.


32 Responses

  1. Nice work Rob. Being a fellow IBM and PG owner, I was hoping for a little more out of their recent dividend increases. Never the less, I won’t turn them down on the offer for more. Your year over year comparisons are great. It looks like the second half is a tougher comparison. Tom

    • Rob says:

      Hey Tom

      Yeah more would of been sweet but beats inflation!

      The growth has been impressive but fpr sure the growth as a percentage will be alot lower in a couple months.

      Cheers Tom

  2. It’s that continued growth in income that makes DG such a winning long term strategy. Continued success with your portfolio. Great to see and read.

    • Rob says:

      Hey spec

      Yeah its pretty crazy, wish i had started earlier but its all good.

      Dgi definately seems to be working.


  3. PCI – unbelievable. Those are some awesome/inspiring results. A 300%+ increase plus two dividend increases? Amazing! I’m sorry to hear about the leafs, but game 7s are always exciting. They’ll come back stronger next year. Now, let’s hope the Cavs can pull through in their Game 7 today.

    Keep up the great work!


  4. Way to go Rob great month. You were able to drip a lot of shares that will only build up your future income. Keep up the great work.

  5. Amazing PCI! Those YOY percentages are incredible! Like you, I am also very happy about PG and IBM’s recent dividend increases! Congrats on the super month! Keep it up! 😀

  6. Mr. Thrifty says:

    Awesome growth!

    What are your thoughts on mutual funds vs. individual stocks for dividend investing?

    • Rob says:

      Hey Mr

      Welcome, I love seeing a new face on the site.

      I used to have mutual funds and they underperformed my individual stocks and their management fees were to high. Etfs would be the way to go vs mutual funds if you like a basket of stocks with alot lower fees.

      Personally I like individual stocks because they tend to have a higher yield and by not buying a basket of stocks im not buying overvalued stocks or stocks that im not interested in.

      To eachs own though…..

      Hope that helps.

  7. Congrats on the great month. Lots of drips to add that will accelerate the passive income.

    What about Google AdSense revenue?

    • Rob says:

      Hey Pursuit

      Thanks I definitely love the drips.

      I dont include adsense unless i actually get paid by them. They have a minimum 100 dollar payout.

      I think Im averaging 10-15 bucks a month from them though.


  8. p2035 says:

    Hi Rob. Noce raport. Love your pictures and atitude. Love what you are doing – solar panels and stuff like that. Keep it up 🙂

  9. Hi Rob,

    Your YoY growth is incredible! It’s good to see you making progress. Keep up the good work.

    – David

    • Rob says:

      Hey David

      Thanks, its great to see the growth. Thats why i love doing these passive income updates.

      Cheers thanks for swinging by

  10. Leo T. Ly says:

    I have been investing for a while now, however, I have never had a drip for any of my stocks. I am not sure that I don’t like the partial shares or the control to pool the income together and buy in bulk lol.

    It’s really exciting to build a sizeable passive income portfolio as you now have more options to invest and more opportunities to take advantage of. This is one of the reasons that keeps me excited about my investments.

    • Rob says:

      Hey Leo

      I love the drips but there are disadvantages ie buying stocks at high prices. Unforetunately rbc lets you drip all the stocks or none.

      Cheer leo

  11. Wow, your passive income is off the charts my friend. That is some awesome growth numbers. Too bad about Toronto in the playoffs, but what a series to watch. At least you got to watch some good hockey and didn’t get swept like a few other teams.

    • Rob says:

      Thanks daze! Luckily the charts grows with the income =) zing!

      Its true 7 game series are always better than a sweep.

      Cheers man!

  12. Great monthly report, Rob! It looks like a $1,000 a month in passive income is new benchmark for you. With the summer months ahead of us, you energy incomes should be increasing! So that will keep you above the 1K mark!

    • Rob says:

      Hey German

      Thanks, yeah it would be sweet if its stays over 1k from now on. Then winter will hit….. womp womp. Haha

      Hope you had a great month as well.


  13. Nice work man – that’s a HUGE jump over last year and nice to see the big dividend jump as well. You’re definitely on the right path. I’m totally with you on winter man as it lasted way too long this year. Although we’re switched into the 70s now so that’s great on our end.

    • Rob says:

      Hey time

      Thanks man, love seeing it keep going up. Its crazy there was no spring this year. Its 25 degrees today.

      No complaints here

  14. Awesome performance with so many months with a passive income above $1000!

  15. Your month had everything, a great result, increases, buys. Awesome studf! Congratulations on the stellar YoY!


  16. Caroline says:

    Great job Rob! I have to look into this solar income:)

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